

                                        WELCOME MABUHAY (Welcome) to Feel Filipino, Here you can learn online FREE Filipino Language    PLUS you can have some additional knowledge about the cultures,traditions,facts,people, the country Philippines. And you can find out also some equivalent Filipino words or phrase in other language.               AND DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE

Spanish-Tagalog Part 1

Some Tagalog words or Filipino words has been derived or came from the Spanish language. Its been estimated that there are approximately 4,000 Spanish words in Tagalog. And it has been used today at the Philippines. Here are some Tagalog words Derived from Spanish Language: WORD  Tagalog - kamusta   Spanish - como esta   meaning - how are you? WORD Tagalog - kotse   Spanish - coche   meaning- car WORD Tagalog - sapatos   Spanish - zapatos    meaning- shoes WORD Tagalog - karne   Spanish - carne  meaning- meat WORD Tagalog - tsinelas   Spanish - chinelas  meaning- slippers WORD Tagalog - tsismis   Spanish - chismes  meaning- gossip WORD Tagalog - kwento   Spanish - cuento  meaning- story WORD Tagalog - litrato   Spanish - retrato   meaning- picture WORD Tagalog - mantika   Spanish - mant...

Parts of the body

Parts of the Body πŸ’ƒπŸ•΄ Head πŸ‘Έ  -Ulo Shoulder πŸ™‹ - Balikat Hand βœ‹ - Kamay Neck πŸ’ -Leeg ElbowπŸ’ͺ -Siko Stomach 🀰- Tiyan (pronounce as *tyan) Finger πŸ–– - Daliri (singular) Mga Daliri ( plural)

ANIMALS (Part 2)

The Animals ❌ Part 2 ❌ Elephant 🐘 - Elepante Cockroach - Ipis Butterfly πŸ¦‹ - Paruparo Ant 🐜 -Langgam Monkey 🐡 - Unggoy Tiger 🐯 - Tigre Bee 🐝 - Bubuyog Sheep πŸ‘ - Tupa